The Spring of Life

Body-Mind-Spirit Health, Beauty and Fitness in Organic Way

Friday, April 21, 2006

Love - The Supreme Law of Life!

"Love is the magic key that unlocks the doors of heaven. We do not have to ask for love, but only to give it - to express it. Love is the supreme law of life: guided by Wisdom it rules the universe. Every thought, every desire, every word, every emotion that is not Love, or which is against Love, or is out of harmony with the Law of Love, creates disorder, suffering, discord, ugliness, unhappiness, from which there is no escape. "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Nothing is truer than this - that we are mixed up with the disorder of our own sowing, that we cannot escape from it, except we make the supreme surrender to the Law of Love, and bring every thought, word, deed and desire into captivity to it."



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