Spice It Up - Boost Your Health Through Spices
If any of You are looking for a truly special Valentine/Friendship gift, please allow me to introduce You to one that will change the life of the recipient: spice rack!
No, I am not kidding! I am quite serious. The truth is, we have lost the understanding of the true value of this most precious commodity that in ancient times was sold for great price. The book of Genesis gives us a peak into what was considered a valuable gift to be brought to a foreign land. "And their father Israel said to them, If it must be so, now do this; take of the choicest products in the land in your sacks and carry down a present to the man, a little balm (balsam) and a little honey, aromatic spices and gum (of rock rose) or ladanum, pistachio nuts, and almonds." (43:11, stress added)
When the lovely queen of Sheba went to visit the wisest and wealthiest king of all times - Solomon - in order to pick his mind, she too brought spices to him as a gift. 1 Kings 10 tells us that "She came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels bearing spices, very much gold, and precious stones. When she had come to Solomon, she communed with him about all that was in her mind." (vs.2)
Verse 10 continues to reveal the amounts, letting us know that "she gave the king 120 talents of gold and of spices a very great store and precious stones. Never again came such abundance of spices as these the queen of Sheba gave King Solomon." (stress added)
Hey, think about it! She brought so many spices to the wealthiest and wisest king of the earth. Why? Because this is where the keys to longevity and health were hidden. What would one need on top of all wealth and wisdom? ...longevity and strong health.
2 Kings 20 contains an interesting account of a king revealing the contents of his treasure house: "And Hezekiah rejoiced and welcomed the embassy and showed them all his treasure-house--the silver, gold, spices, precious ointment" (vs.13)
Think about it. Those ancient kings and queens valued spices even to the extent of ranging them with silver and gold.
I love the Song of Solomon which is quite appropriate to quote before the day that celebrates love. Here the groom adores his precious bride, comparing her love to the most valuable things in life, "How beautiful is your love, my sister, my [promised] bride! How much better is your love than wine! And the fragrance of your ointments than all spices! Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates or a paradise with precious fruits, henna with spikenard plants, spikenard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense, myrrh, and aloes, with all the chief spices." (vs.6,13-14)
Perhaps we should re-learn the value system of the wise and wealthy of the antiquity.
I love what Dr. Eric Braverman from Path Medical Centre in New York City says, "Dysnutrition happens even in the most developed countries when food is plentiful but the overall diet is based on eating all the wrong balance of foods. Sound familiar? The typical American diet that is high in simple carbohydrates--white flour, white salt, and processed food--is aging us. We are getting all the bulk without the nutrients, plus adding to our propensity for developing real food cravings. So whether you are a vegetarian or an omnivore, you can start to reverse aging by simply choosing to eat the right foods to keep you full of vim, vigor, and vitality.
"The easiest way to make sure you are getting more nutrients into every meal, even when you are grazing at the office cocktail party or the neighborhood potluck dinner is by choosing foods that are loaded with spices. Every time you flavor your meals with herbs or spices you are literally "upgrading" your food without adding a single calorie. You are taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary by adding color, flavor, vitamins, and often medicinal properties."
Here's why:
* Spices and herbs maximize nutrient density. Herbs and spices contain antioxidants, minerals and multivitamins.
* Spices and herbs create a more thermogenic diet. Because spices are nutrient dense, they are thermogenic, which means they naturally increase Your metabolism. As Your metabolism revs higher You will burn more of the food You have already eaten as fuel, and store less as body fat. Finish off the meal with organic coffee or tea sprinkled with cinnamon, which contains dozens of nutrients.
* Some spices and herbs increase Your overall feeling of fullness and satiety, so You'll eat less. One study conducted at Maanstricht University in the Netherlands showed that when one consumes an appetizer with half a teaspoon of red pepper flakes before each meal, it decreased their calorie intake by 10-16%. Think of starting Your meal with a tomato soup sprinkled with red pepper.
* You can eliminate salt. When You flavor your foods with spices instead of salt You'll immediately see health and physical benefits. Excessive salt intake keeps water inside Your body. Once You kick the habit You will no long have excessive bloating and water retention. You'll also lose the salt and salty snack craving. That's because using salt begets using more salt: after a while it's impossible to use just a pinch, because You've trained Your brain to require a salty taste for everything You eat. Over time, using spices will also lessen Your cravings for simple, nutrient poor carbohydrate snacks because You will not be yearning for a savory, salty taste.
* Spices and herbs have real medicinal properties. Study after study shows the benefits of distinct herbs and spices. One study at Malmö University Hospital in Sweden showed that up to two hours after eating, people who ate cinnamon-spiced rice pudding measured significantly lower blood-glucose levels than those who had eaten the unspiced version. Other studies suggest that cinnamon may improve blood-glucose levels by increasing a person's insulin sensitivity. One 2003 trial of 60 people with type 2 diabetes reported that consuming as little as two teaspoons of cinnamon daily for six weeks reduced blood-glucose levels significantly. It also improved blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, perhaps because insulin plays a key role in regulating fats in the body.
* Spices and herbs are brain food. When times passes our brain cells begin to die. This causes poor sleep habits and weight gain. We need to up the intake of brain food in order to add new brain cells. Herbs and spices do that.
Every little bit counts, so spice it up!
Dr. Eric Braverman proposes us to add 20 spices to our spice racks, using them daily for their anti-aging properties:
* rosemary and basil for their anti-inflammatory power
* cumin and sage for their dementia-fighting power
* cayenne and cinnamon for their obesity-fighting power
* coriander and cinnamon for their sugar regulating powers
* lemon grass, nutmeg, bay leaves and saffron for their calming effects on your mood
* turmeric for its cancer fighting power
* oregano for its fungus-beating power
* garlic, mustard seed and chicory for their heart-pumping power
* basil and thyme for their skin-saving power
* turmeric, basil, cinnamon, thyme, saffron, and ginger for their immune-boosting power
* coriander, rosemary, cayenne, allspice and black pepper for their depression-busting power
So, do spice up, boosting Your immune system and rejuvenating Your body... and give a truly spicy, flavorful, health-boosting gift to Your loved ones this year!
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