1. According to the new British analysis of government nutrition data on meat and dairy products from the 1930s and from 2002, the mineral content of milk, cheese and beef declined as much as 70 percent in that period.
2. Organic fruits and vegetables have significantly higher levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants, according to a 2003 study in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
3. Talking about intensive, traditional farming systems, Ken Warren, a spokesman with The Land Institute, based in the central US state of Kansas, says: "It's an unsustainable system that relies heavily on chemical fertilizers... to keep yields high and produces 'hollow food'. "Hollow food" contains insufficient nutrition and is suspected in playing a role in the rapid rise in obesity, as people may be eating more in order to get the nutrition they need", he said.
4. Organic produce is not covered in a cocktail of poisonous chemicals. The average conventionally-grown apple has 20-30 artificial poisons on its skin, even after rinsing. Trust your instincts, and go organic!
5. Fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than intensively farmed produce. Science says that it's good for you.
6. Going organic is the only practical way to avoid eating genetically modified (GM) food. And by buying organic food, you are registering your mistrust of GMO's and doing your bit to protest against them.
7. If you eat dairy or meat products, going organic has never been more essential to safeguard you and your family's health. Intensively-reared dairy cows and farm animals are fed a dangerous cocktail of anti-biotics, growth promoting drugs, anti-parasite drugs and many other medicines on a daily basis, whether they have an illness or not. These drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy produce or meat., which must be a contributing factor to meat-related diseases like coronaries and high blood pressure.
8. In recent years consumers have become more aware of the importance of using natural personal care products, unfortunately what most people are unaware of is that there is a huge difference between a "natural" and "certified organic" personal care product. All products that contain "natural" and not "certified organic" ingredients have still been grown with synthetic fertilizers and sprayed with various herbicides and pesticides, thus making the product far from truly natural, ...often containing cancerous substances. If You want to get a truly pure product, read the labels!
For instance we often see long chemical names followed by the phrase „derived from coconut oil”. For example, to create cocoamide DEA from coconut oil requires the use of the carcinogenic synthetic chemical diethanolamine (DEA). It is therefore no longer natural and to insinuate it is a natural substance by adding the phrase „from coconut oil” is at best misleading. To understand more about the toxic and dangerous substances used in personal care products, read the List of Toxic Ingredients .
9. Intensive farming can seriously damage farm workers' health. There are much higher instances of cancer, respiratory problems and other major diseases in farm workers from non-organic farms. This is particularly true in developing countries, and for agrochemical farms growing cotton. So go organic if you care about other people.
10. Organic farms support and nurture our beautiful and diverse wildlife. Over the last thirty years, intensive farming has led to dramatic erosion of the soil, a fall of up to 70% of wild birds in some areas, the destruction of ancient hedgerows, and the near extinction of some of the most beautiful species of butterflies, frogs, grass-snakes and wild mammals.
All information has been obtained from Stephen Leahy's article at: , Ysanne Spevack's article at: and from