Staying Healthy and Happy Throughout the Holiday Season
To make this holiday time more pleasant, more happy and more healthy, I have a few good tips for You. I'm sure You'll find some tips that suit You and help You through some stressful moments.
More than anything I suggest You surround Yourself with people You love and enjoy being around... people who uplift and encourage You... people who make You feel special... people who make You laugh! This gives us strength to be around not so positive people... those who need a good dose of positivity and uplifting from us!
I believe that more than anything the Christmas time is a time to remember those who do not have much... to go and bless a family with a wonderful Christmas dinner or some gifts for their kids... give to those who can't give a present back to You. It truly is a greater blessing to give than to receive. Heart-gifts are the ones that touch the most... and mean the most. It always gives me a true Christmas feeling when I do things for people who don't have much, but who are so happy and grateful when they are remembered. :-)
Christmas time tends to be a lot about eating... so, here a few tips to survive the holiday dinners:
Always drink a large glass of water or cold tea about 30 minutes before dinner. This helps to control the amount You eat. Your stomach will get a feeling of fullness before You manage to overeat.
When filling Your plate with all the good stuff on the table, choose larger amounts of veggies and greens than other foods.
If You tend to diet, please forget the diet mentality during the holidays. It will get You into real trouble. Instead, choose the healthier foods in greater quantities and allow Yourself to try also the treats.
Do not skip meals to save the calories for the big dinner later in the day. This strategy backfires almost always. When You arrive hungry, You will overeat and feel horrible.
Do not ever arrive hungry to a dinner, especially if You are trying to avoid certain foods. If You are hungry, You will choose the most sugary and fatty foods. Instead, eat some healthy snacks, some fruit or veggies about an hour before the dinner and You will have willpower to avoid the unhealthy foods.
Here are some tips for the shopping time:
If You prepare for a long shopping day, take some healthy snacks with You, so You can snack while shopping and You won't be tempted to go and have some unhealthy and fattening fast food.
Bring a bottle of water or juice with You. Sometimes we start feeling hungry when we really are thirsty. Take sips of water while shopping.
Try to replace sweet with spicy. Sometimes when instead of reaching for a sweet snack, we take a bite of spicy or pickled snack, we feel that we don't crave the sweet snack any more.
And even the best, do Your shopping online... saves You a lot of time and stress.
...or even better - create something Yourself for Your loved ones. Make a card or a little gift Yourself. Putting Your own time and creativity and love in a gift, is the most precious gift of all.
And finally, when You have people coming over, don't get stressed out by trying to make everything look perfect and then end up snapping at others and even spoiling the mood. Relax! When things go wrong, sing a little tune. When You are happy and in a good mood, others will enjoy the visit so much more... and no one will notice things that didn't turn out quite right.
May You all have a wonderful holiday time!
Body-Mind-Spirit Health, Fintess & Beauty in Organic Way