Garlic (Allium Sativum) – Garlic is a little bulb, yet its healing properties are far from little! Garlic is a bulbous plant related to the onion. It has a strong odour and flavour. Ancient Greeks called it stinking rose. Garlic was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, chewed by Greek Olympian athletes, it was a mainstay in the diet of the builders of the pyramids, and of ancient Greek and Roman soldiers and sailors. The wandering Israelites mourned the cherished garlic they had left behind in Egypt. Greeks and Egyptians, embraced garlic's alleged aphrodisiac properties. Tibetan monks were forbidden from entering the monasteries if they had eaten garlic, because of its reputation for inflaming the passions. In medieval times garlic was burned to disinfect houses visited by the plague and to ward off all kinds of sickness. Nowadays people who go trekking in Nepal in the Himalayas at 5 k above sea level eat lots of raw garlic, which enables them to take up more oxygen, strengthens their immune system, and increases their endurance and overall toughness.
Rich in: Most of garlic’s health benefits derive from the more than 100 sulphur compounds it contains, especially allicin, which is responsible for garlic's characteristic scent and flavour. Allicin is formed when the garlic bulbs are crushed, chopped, or chewed.
Internal use: Garlic has been rightfully attributed with miraculous healing and health-giving powers. It has been scientifically proven that garlic lowers the levels of cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, prevents arteriosclerosis, helps disintegrate bladder stone, kidney stone and gallstone, purifies the blood, cuts the risk of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, may help to boost the birth-weight of babies destined to be too small (when taken by pregnant mothers), has strong antibiotic and antifungal properties. Garlic is very useful in the relief of bronchial coughs, asthma, head colds, as a laxative, to prevent intestinal gas and to improve mental outlook. It may help heal cancer and prevent it. For those who love to chew garlic, I recommend to follow it down with an apple or parsley or a slice of lemon, if you respect the noses of your fellowmen.
How to prepare: To prepare your own potion to help heal intestinal gas, rheumatism, podagra, kidney stone, bladder stone etc., take 80 g of chopped garlic and add it to 200 g of vodka. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.
A cure for arteriosclerosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, flu, general weakness and tiredness or anaemia is prepared by taking 500 g of honey and adding to it 250 g chopped garlic, 250 g chopped onion, 250 g chopped horse-radish and 250 g of cranberries. Refrigerate the mixture for 3 days, then take 1-2 tablespoonfuls a day with food.
My personal favourite is garlic with honey. What a powerful preventative remedy and a good anti-aging mix! Chop one clove of garlic and add it to a tablespoon of honey. To make it more palatable, have a glass of juice or tea ready to wash it down with! It works wonders!
If You have more time, take 5 garlic bulbs and grate them. Add about 300-400 ml of organic extra virgin olive oil and stir with a big wooden spoon until smooth. Use it as a spread for rye bread or just take a spoonful a day. It also makes a great anti-aging facial mask. You can have a spa day and keep the mask on for hours. Your skin will feel and look great! If it starts to burn, then You have too little oil in it. Add more oil for the mask or some honey.
External use: Crushed garlic can be put on pimples, smallpox, even on wounds to prevent infection and hasten healing.
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Body-Mind-Spirit Health, Fitness & Beauty in Organic Way
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